Freshen up your Bath with Kzen soap bars

Freshen up your Bath with Kzen soap bars

We know you’ve been buying a variety of soap bars off the shelves of your nearest Kirana store. We know because we’ve been there too. Guilty ! We all learned the hard way that using the right soap makes all the difference to your skin. Harsh chemicals in these soaps leave your skin dry and itchy, making it feel tight and irritated. But before you think that all hope is lost and your skin is doomed, we want to assure you that there is a way out. Using soaps to restore your body’s moisture while exfoliating it gently is possible (and very affordable !) 

Kzen Skincare range brings to you not one but two fabulous soaps with unique properties as per your skin needs. They don't dry your skin because they simply can't. Unlike your regular drugstore soaps, they are devoid of harsh chemicals, preservatives and nasty artificial fragrances. This makes them gentle on the skin, leaving it supple and replenished with moisture. 

If this is not enough, both the bars are rich in Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA). Being an excellent exfoliator, this organic acid helps get rid of dead skin cells, exposing the healthier skin beneath. It helps to improve skin texture, reduce dark spots, and minimize signs of ageing. It has anti-inflammatory properties that promote proper blood flow to the skin, ensuring proper levels of oxygen and nutrients reach the epidermis. AHA adds radiance to your skin and also helps keep acne at bay. 

Kzen knows the many benefits of AHA and understands that including it in our soaps will promote a refreshing experience for you every day. But we didn't stop there. Our soaps are more than just awesome exfoliants. Kzen brings you the following range of soaps that are bound to freshen up your bath and change the meaning of bathing forever.

Honey & Shea Butter Soap

This soap is a one-stop solution for everyone who struggle with dry and patchy skin after showering. It is ultra-mild and very gentle on the skin as it contains no harsh chemicals. After using this soap, dehydrated skin would be a thing of the past. This soap is highly moisturizing as it is rich in oleic acid. Oleic acid is known for its moisturizing properties and helps remove flakiness and dullness from the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which help calm irritated skin and promotes skin repair. It works as a natural skin barrier. Oleic acid is famous for its anti-ageing properties as well. It is rich in antioxidants, which slow the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. This soap is also packed with the goodness of honey and shea butter. Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which make it the ideal ingredient for healthy and radiant skin. On the other hand, shea butter boosts the skin’s hydration and softness, leaving it supple and plump after every wash.

Clay soap:

Does your skin feel congested and do your pores feel clogged ? We have just the right soap for you. Our clay soap is formulated to help you fight acne, whiteheads and blackheads by unclogging the dirt in your pores. It does so by gently exfoliating and cleaning out your pores to remove impurities and excess oil. As a result, you get clearer, deeply cleansed, and squeaky clean skin. Removing congestion from pores leads to your skin looking brighter and fresher. It evens out the skin texture and restores its elasticity. Due to its gentle exfoliation, it makes shaving a lot more convenient too. It is so gentle and effective that even sensitive and dry skin types can make the most of this soap. It is truly the perfect soap for people looking for a solution to pimples and dullness without the hassle of drying your skin off its natural oil balance. 

Choose Kzen: The natural way of restoring your skin’s health. 

Kzen makes sure that you achieve your skin goals without the use of harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances and toxins. We bring you only the most authentic and natural skincare range, which is gentle on the skin and still gets the job done. Nourish your skin and revitalize it with the goodness of Honey and Shea Butter Soap. Or simply get rid of impurities from your skin to bid farewell to your acne with our Clay Soap. Whatever your skincare goal might be, we have a chemical-free solution for you. It is as simple as including these soaps in your daily shower routine and trust us, your skin will thank you for it.

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